Term Conditions

Fees and Charges: By enrolling in the course, you agree to pay the course fees (plus applicable surcharges) for the course using the payment method you have selected. You are required to pay the full amount of the course fees even if you do not complete your course. Student fees will include the necessary e-learning resources such as online interactive resources, online pdf’s or workbooks dependent upon the course of study chosen.

Refund: Given the nature of online training, our value for money approach and access policy, PTE MAGIC offers 50% course refunds (for group classes) within a 4 hours cooling off period only and 50% (for 1:1 classes) within the first two sessions . The access to all materials will be removed upon the course cancellation. You can also opt to transfer to a different course if you find that your chosen course is not suitable.

Note that after one week period no refund will be issued.